Radio Interview About My Novel Corrupted For Splash FM In Sussex



Hi everyone,

I had a great morning today as I was invited to go to Worthing for a radio interview for Arrow and Sovereign FM by the head of news there; Alan Lewis. He was a very friendly man and was interested in finding out more about my novel Corrupted and my experiences as a self-published author.

It is my second radio interview so far since my book was published in January and it was an exciting opportunity for me to promote my book. The interview will be uploaded onto the news segment on their website alongside a link to my Amazon page which is brilliant, and a clip from the interview will be broadcast soon on their local news bulletin.

I of course am always eager to get the word out about my novel Corrupted as much as I possibly can, and as an author, self-published or not, it is important to make the most of any opportunity that is given to you.

We had a great chat about my novel and its sales so far and all the hurdles that I have encountered since self publishing my book. The main message that I hoped I got across in the interview is that self-publishing is a journey, and for me it was a route I chose because I am a big advocate in making your own opportunities in life and taking a chance, and today was just another important steeping stone for me towards realising my ambition of establishing a successful career for myself as an author.

It was a great experience and I would like to thank Alan for inviting me along!

I will post the interview soon so you can hear it for yourselves. In the meantime take care and good luck to all of you with realising your dreams and following your passions.

Emmy x


Watch My Reading Of Corrupted – Chapter Two

I have just uploaded my next instalment of my readings from my debut novel Corrupted. Watch me read chapter two of the book now! In this chapter we will get to know the main character Ria Kimura a bit better. She is about to meet someone at work who will change her life forever. Hope you enjoy it!

The next chapter will be up soon xxx

Watch My Reading Of – Corrupted – Chapter One

Hi everyone!

Part of being a self published author for me, is discovering and trying new ways and mediums to share my work.

I want as many people to read and enjoy my book Corrupted as possible and so have decided to do a series of readings from the book which I will be updating several times a week.

Below is the first instalment of those readings in which I will be reading for you the first chapter of my novel.

I am not a trained actress obviously, but I hope you can get into the story anyway!

Why Becoming A Mum Is The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To Me

me and enzo easter

I will always remember when I first found out I was having Enzo. It was a moment which my life changed forever. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was round my mum’s house and it was January. I’d had a rather uneventful Christmas and New Year which was strange for me, and I had been unable to drink any alcohol; a blessing from God no doubt to protect the unborn child inside of me. It had been almost nine months since I had moved back from Australia and decided to leave the crazy life I had been leading behind me and grow up. I had decided to focus on my career and becoming an adult, but so far I had been unsuccessful with either of those things. My flatmate turned boyfriend was waiting at his mum’s house next door, while I sat in the bathroom at my mums house, (our parent’s were neighbours) perched on the edge of the toilet seat and waiting for my mum to tell me the news. Finally after a couple of minutes passed I grew impatient and asked her, “so has it changed yet or what?”

She didn’t even need to say anything, her expression spoke a thousand words; I was having a baby. I, probably the most wild, foolish, clumsiest wreck of a human being I had ever known was having a baby!

It was something I had never even thought about before; I had never been the type of girl to plan my future children’s names. But somehow the unthinkable had happened. My mouth dropped open in disbelief and I burst into tears. My first thoughts were how could I be a mother? I could barely look after myself, it was a wonder I was still alive! But my mum seemed to know from the start that I could handle it and as she reassured me I would be a great mum, I cried, “but I won’t be a girl anymore,” she held me in her arms and told me I would always be her little girl.

I didn’t know what to do but my boyfriend reassured me he would support me, which surprised me and confused me further. Deep down though I knew our relationship wasn’t built to last and I was right. After a lot of soul searching, and toing and froing we finally broke up when he proved that actually I would get more support from my push-up bra then I would from him. By the time I left and realised I was on my own I was already 14 weeks pregnant.

Most of the people I spoke to told me to get an abortion. My head was telling me that I couldn’t do it alone, but my heart was already in love with my child. I made an appointment to go to the abortion clinic, but the night before I prayed to God that my baby would be alright and if I couldn’t have it now that it’s soul would return to me again in the future.

As I lay down on to the table and the sonographer in the clinic performed a scan to assess the gestation of my pregnancy; the third scan I’d had at that point, the first thing I said to her was; “is my baby alright?” She looked at me sympathetically and we both knew then and there that I couldn’t go through with it.

“Would you like to see it?” she asked, and I nodded, the tears rolling down my face. She turned the screen around to face me and I peered at my baby on the monitor. He was already formed, so tiny and precious, a life, a future, a soul. I decided then that I could do it alone, that my baby and I were meant to be together and God had given him to me for a reason.

It’s probably not commonplace in an abortion clinic to give someone scan photos but she did, and as I walked out of the sonographer’s office clutching those black and white images of my baby I knew I had made the right decision.

People told me I was crazy, that I would need to live with my mum and I couldn’t be by myself, but within two weeks of cramming viewings in around my work schedule I had found our new home. I had decided to do this and I was going to do it independently, without relying on my mum or anyone else.

I was told that I would be alone forever and on benefits for the rest of my life, that I would never achieve anything worthwhile; and I have accomplished more in the short space of time since I have had Enzo than I probably have done in my whole life because he is my reason and my motivation.

It’s been almost three years since I had Enzo, and I haven’t regretted my decision once. Everyday with him is a blessing, and everyday he surprises me. I love watching him grow and cherish every special moment with my son. He makes me laugh, he makes me happy and has given my life more meaning than I have ever thought possible. He has made me realise what is truly important in the world and why life is worth living.

My mother gave me a card when I was pregnant which said; “the greatest love and the greatest achievements in life involve the greatest risks.” Life isn’t meant to be planned and safe. Sometimes the most rewarding prizes come at the end of the most turbulent journeys and he is the most beautiful, perfect prize any person could ever hope for.

Interview of me for the Eastbourne Herald

Had a great day today and a new experience with regards to the promotional side of my book. I was very kindly asked to do a video interview on Eastbourne beach by the head of news for the Eastbourne herald; Dave king. They posted it online today and I am really happy with it!

Before any interview I always get a slightly nervous, deciding what to wear, running through answers in my head to possible questions which usually don’t get asked etc. Last night I was having a, I have nothing to wear dilemma and it seemed as it every garment hanging in my wardrobe was either dated, moth eaten or had lipstick stains on it! Finally I managed to pull together something with the help of my mum this morning, (definitely in need of some retail therapy asap!)

Anyway it was fun, and I hope that you enjoy watching the video which will give you a bit of background information about my novel Corrupted, my experiences of working as an exotic dancer and how they helped to inspire my book, and hopefully you might get to know me a bit better by watching it too.

N.B, I don’t usually pull that face, the sun was burning brightly in my eyes and I was trying to avoid being blinded by it lol!

Thank you so much to the Herald for interviewing me, especially Dave King. Always a pleasure and any excuse to sit on Eastbourne beach is always fine by me.

Click the link below to watch, take care folks! Love Emmy

How To Smash It At A Book Signing


Since my novel Corrupted was published in January I have been gaining experience gradually at book signings and readings. Initially the prospect of conducting a book signing was slightly terrifying for me, especially when I was booked in to do a reading in front of a room full of people; ( public speaking has never been my forte.) It seemed like a pie in the sky notion that would never really happen but surprisingly within a week of publishing my novel I had my first book signing event arranged. Since then I have conducted five signings in Sussex and South London, and each one has been more successful than the last in terms of sales figures. My last book signing in Kingston was brilliant, I had so much fun and the manager claimed it was the best one he’s had at the store since he started managing it. I sold 70 books; 30 more than Nigella Lawson and 50 more than David Walliams when they did one at the same store. Not bad for a self-published author eh!

I have learnt through trial and error how to make my signings as successful as possible and maximise the sales and exposure I get from them, and I hope that by sharing my experiences with you, I will help you to do the same with any signings you may have coming up.

My first signing was at a WHSmith’s store in my hometown of Eastbourne. It is a relatively small town but I had got the maximum amount of publicity one could expect to get beforehand; a write up in the local paper; the Eastbourne Herald, and a radio interview on BBC Radio Sussex the week before. I also printed leaflets which had been distributed to customers the previous week. I had very high expectations and was expecting people to turn up in their droves who had heard me on the radio or seen my piece in the paper. Boy was I wrong. I could have counted on one hand the amount of people who turned up because of the publicity I had got. It was up to me to do the leg work. I decided there and then that I would sell as many books as I possibly could. Luckily I’ve had experience with sales in the past, and although I was a little rusty it definitely helped. Here are my tips:

Approach as many people as possible:

One thing I learnt from doing sales is that you can not judge a book by its cover. My novel is aimed at women between the ages of 18-40 predominantly, but I found that actually the younger women were less inclined to stop and chat to me about the book. Surprisingly I sell just as many books to men at signings, congregating around what I call the man area of a bookshop;( where the computer magazines etc are.) When approached a lot of men are easily persuaded to buy a book as a present for their other half and are very amiable. Women of all ages are happy to chat to you if you have a friendly face and talk to them politely.

Engage People In Conversation

I find it is good to engage people in general conversation to get their interest. People don’t like a hard sell and it makes the day more enjoyable if you have a proper chat to people. I have met a lot of very interesting men and women when doing my signings and it is great to hear their stories too. If people like you they are more likely to want to purchase your book; if they think you are a pushy sales girl they are more likely to walk off.

Don’t be dis-heartened

There are going to be people who love the sound of your book; similarly there will be others who would rather gauge out their own eyeballs than read a suspense novel about an exotic dancer, or whatever your book happens to be about. Don’t be offended, everyone has their own tastes and the more people you ask, the more likely it is that you will meet someone who can’t wait to get stuck into your book. If you don’t ask you don’t get!


No one wants to be approached by a miserable monotone Minnie, with a face like a slapped arse. Who can blame them? So even if you aren’t in the best of spirits, plaster that smile on your face until your cheeks ache and keep it on there until packing up time, by which point it will probably be genuine anyway because you will have had an amazingly productive day and will be feeling rightfully proud of yourself. Fake it till you make it!

Give Out Flyers

To anyone who seems vaguely interested but hasn’t quite taken the bait, give them a business card or leaflet. You never know, when they get home or when they are on the train later they might download a copy onto their kindle, kobo, etc. It is still getting the word out there.


Humour is a great way to connect with people and banter can make all the difference. One line I use regularly at my signings is, “ it’s a first edition book and when I am the next Jackie Collins you can auction off the book and buy a Ferrari; do you like Ferraris?” This line always goes down well and usually results in a sale. And you never know one day just one day, if I keep working hard……

Enjoy Yourself

There aren’t many people in the world who get to follow a career path which fills them with passion and enthusiasm. Writing can be a lonely job, and book signings are one of the few times when writers get to mingle and be sociable as part of their work. Make the most of it, not only are signings a great opportunity to promote your book, you never know who you might meet along the way. Have fun, and people will be instantly drawn to you. Be proud of your book and what you’ve achieved and you will be surprised at how positive people’s reactions are towards you!

Corrupted – Book Trailer

Watch the book trailer for my debut novel, CORRUPTED – A Tale Of Sex, Scandal & Suspense
I made it using Windows movie maker.
I will be writing a blog post soon to show you how to make one for yourself using this programme.
Hope you like it!
The song I used is Dirty Cash – The Adventures Of Stevie V
A classic tune which I think epitomises the stripping world.

Book Publicity

Book Publicity

Well is’t been a couple of months since the release of my book, Corrupted and so far the publicity side of things is going really well. I have worked hard sending out press releases and calling papers but it seems to be paying off. To date I have been in three papers, I am going to be featured in a magazine article in April (etc) and have also been on BBC radio Sussex. I will be doing some blog posts soon on preparing press releases for your book and how to find a unique angle to get publicity. I have learnt so much already from this voyage of self-publishing, and there seems to be no end to how much there is left to learn about it all. I am looking forward to sharing all with you as most of what I have learnt has been from other people’s blogs. There is an endless wealth of information out there at the click of a button, that’s why so many self published authors are becoming successful and I am hoping I am going to become one of them!
Catch up soon xx

CORRUPTED; A Tale of Sex, Scandal, And Suspense: Chapter One

This is the final edited and proof read version of the first chapter of “CORRUPTED” which is coming out on the 12th of January 2013. I hope you enjoy reading it and please share your opinions. If you would like to find out more visit my website



“Don’t worry love; the first times always awkward, like your first shag. And I’ve got plenty of money for you to practice.”

The man who had just introduced himself as Terry sat before me; arms spread across the back of the red velvet and gold chair, his flabby torso spilling between the arm and the seat. His sweat patches were clearly exposed by his chosen stance and a tuft of grey chest hair brimmed from his white shirt; which he unbuttoned as if to signal his day of work was now done and it was time for him to kick back.

Unbeknownst to the people who associated with him in his day-to-day London rat-race existence, consisting of executive boardroom meetings and rub-shoulder, lick-arse lunches, Terry didn’t choose to unwind in the stereotypical pint of lager, evening news kind of way one would expect he would favour at first glance. No, Terry preferred unwinding with a less conventional method, one which would shock and offend his colleagues and family in equal measure if ever brought to light; by watching a girl undressing and paying her for the pleasure. He shot me an impatient look, as if to say get the fuck on with it, and hesitantly I proceeded to dance.

Sandwiched between his ample thighs, my towering heels swayed beneath me worryingly. I was used to wearing heels but in these monstrosities it felt as if I were on a pair of stilts; my ankles were one awkward movement away from snapping. The copious amounts of champagne I had consumed had left me feeling flushed and only slightly bolstered my confidence, which had taken a remarkable nose dive since I had set foot in Centrefolds earlier that evening and seen the vast array of exotic beauty surrounding me. Big breasts the size of melons with egos to match, acrylic nails, fake tan, and hair extensions; I felt plain in comparison to the audacious glamour of the other girls, but whoever this man was, he obviously wasn’t looking for the archetypal playboy bunny type as I was the complete opposite.

He had approached while I had been sat on a bar stool watching dissolutely as every customer who walked through the door was quickly swept away by a throng of beautiful ladies. I was wondering whether I had made a mistake in coming to this alien world where I wasn’t the centre of attention for a change, when he had disturbed me from my thoughts.

“Are you new love?” he asked, propping up the bar the way most alcoholic middle-aged men did, in a bid not to lose any precious drinking time walking from a table to being served.

“Yes, is it that obvious?” I laughed and took another deep gulp from the drink I had just bought myself, and couldn’t afford on my student loan allowance.

“I can tell a newbie when I see one,” he said. “So what’s your name?”

I paused momentarily as I struggled to remember what the house mum had christened me earlier that evening. “Pearl,” I answered, flicking my black hair off my face in an attempt to look seductive.

“So are you into pearl necklaces?” He laughed then; a dirty roar which displayed some silver crowns in the back of his teeth, and I resisted the urge to spring away from him and crawl under a rock to hide. It took a moment for me to register what he was implying. “I can definitely tell you’re new,” he said. “You’ve obviously not been corrupted yet. So will you give me the pleasure of having your first dance?” He spoke as if we were at a debutante ball not a strip club, and I nodded. I could hardly say no you’re not my type could I?

I followed him through a sea of gorgeous, scantily clad women in various states of undress, dancing for a selection of delighted looking business men. Effortlessly they teased and seduced the customers before them, many of whom looked like they were about to combust with desire, mesmerised by the pure unadulterated sex appeal possessed by the women on display. They seemed so in control, every movement they made exhibiting the power they held over their customers. In comparison I felt like a car crash waiting to happen.

I took a deep breath, in the hope that the motion would alleviate my inferiority complex and absolute terror. Did I really want to go through with this?  I knew now was the time to back out if I didn’t.

We approached a secluded circular table at the back of the room; before I’d had the chance to make a decision either way we had reached our destination and my first customer had made himself comfortable for the show.

He tucked a twenty pound note into my garter and it suddenly seemed like a rather abysmal amount of money to take all my clothes off, for a man I would usually cross the street to avoid on a dark night. Still though, it was only for three minutes, and seeing the large wads of cash on many of the girl’s garters was enough of an encouragement. Being a struggling student was losing its appeal; it was only to help me get through the final year of uni. Then I could move on to fulfil my real ambitions.

I had watched the other girls that night and began copying what I had seen, playing with the ties of my red lacy camisole, undoing each strap before finally easing it down my body, almost tripping over as the fabric got stuck on my stiletto. I struggled with the clasp of my bra, cursing inwardly as the hook got stuck, and noticed a smug look from a stunning blonde a few metres away as I did so. Meanwhile Terry seemed ignorant to my gracelessness, his eyes intently fixed on my body as I swayed near him, a serious expression on his face like he was studying a road map. He looked like he was afraid to blink, more than likely memorising every image for his own personal wank-bank, to store inside the deepest darkest corners of his brain for future use; probably for when he shagged his wife.

When the music finally came to an end I eagerly scrambled for my discarded garments on the floor, foolishly neglecting to realise that the whole point of the process was to get the customer to buy as many dances as possible. Still at least I had got the first dance out of the way now; it had been painful but quick, like ripping off a plaster.

“You forgot to take off your thong,” Terry said, laughing as I adjusted my dress. “Don’t worry though, we’ve all got to start somewhere love.” He ordered some champagne and I happily accepted a glass, drinking hungrily while he sat beside me, a grin on his face once more. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, cringing at my amateur performance and he leaned in closer. “So, what made you want to become a stripper then, a lovely girl like you? You strike me as being a bit innocent for this kind of malarkey.”

“The same reason most people do any kind of work,” I said. “Money.”

“Well I’m sure you’ll be earning a fortune before you know it.” He raised his glass as if my stumbling into the world of stripping was cause for celebration. “Here’s to you making a packet then. Cheers.”

“Cheers,” I repeated, knocking my champagne flute against his.

“So how old are you anyway?”

“I’m twenty.”

“Twenty!” he said in disbelief. “Bloody hell, you’re the same age as my daughter! Usually I only get dances from the older girls. Still, there’s something special about you Pearl.”

“Thanks,” I said, unsure as to whether his admission was supposed to be a compliment. The uncomfortable revelation made my thoughts veer to that of my late father, and I shuddered at the thought of him knowing what I was doing. With his strict Japanese values he would have been deeply shocked if he could see me now, but then he wasn’t here anymore. The last time he saw me I was eighteen, innocent to the ways of the world. There was no one to protect me now, just a deep void that needed to be filled with distractions. Dancing was my main escape so I had figured working as a dancer would be an ideal job for me. Maybe I had been wrong?

“Well I feel honoured to have had your first dance. In a few months’ time when you’re one of the biggest earners here, I can say that I took your dancing virginity!”

Before I’d even had the opportunity to comment, a tall curvaceous brunette, with tumbling waves, and a long expensive-looking black dress, had perched herself on the arm of his chair. “Terry,” she breathed, as if the man next to her were a George Clooney lookalike. She shot me a look of superiority and scepticism. “My favourite customer,” she said, eyeing me with so much disdain that for a moment I felt like a piece of dirt caught under her perspex heel.

“Stacey, didn’t realise you were here. Just had a dance with Pearl, it’s her first night.” Terry looked startled if he had just been caught committing adultery, but judging by the gold signet ring around his fourth finger Stacey wasn’t the only woman he owed his misguided loyalties to.

“Hi Pearl,” she said, a smile plastered across her face more false than her breasts. “Oh well, now you’ve had your fun with a beginner, I think it’s about time a professional took over don’t you?”

“Sorry sweetheart,” Terry said to me, scarcely able to tear his eyes away from Stacey’s ample cleavage which she had cleverly directed in his eye line. “I’m going to have to go back to my stripper wife now. Here though, take the champagne, think of it as a christening present.”

“Ok then, thanks,” I said, feeling pretty put-out. I took the bottle and backed away, seating myself so I had a good view of the exotic world of red velvet, poles, and mirrors surrounding me. Five hundred pounds. If I don’t make at least five hundred pounds tonight then I won’t ever be coming back.

I knocked back my drink in an attempt to calm my nerves. With each glass I drank the night went quicker and my inhibitions decreased, until finally it got to three am and I had managed to accumulate quite a respectable wad of cash on my garter; eight hundred pounds in total, which meant that I had managed to take my clothes on and off about forty times all in all. No wonder strippers had such great bodies, the dressing and undressing alone probably burnt about a thousand calories, not to mention all the dancing and charming. I was exhausted and stumbled into a cab after handing in my money to collect on my next shift. As the car shuddered off into the crisp London night air I wondered how much of a cut they would take, and looked forward to holding the cold hard cash in my hand.



What Is It Like To Audition At One Of The World’s Most Exclusive Gentlemen’s Clubs?

Have you ever wondered what it is like to audition at one of the world’s most notorious strip clubs? Below is a real life personal account of my experience…


Believe it or not it was actually my Nan who gave me the idea to become a dancer.

“You should work in one of those clubs,” she had said in her east-end accent. “You’d earn a fortune with your looks and figure!”

I had been curious since then and my confidence had taken a nose dive after being with a physically abusive man at the tender age of seventeen. He had made me feel like I daren’t even look at anyone and it had become a fearful event just walking down the high street. Avoiding stares from men and feeling like I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole every time I had to walk past a group of builders, had become a terrifying daily ordeal for me since then. I had had my spirit crushed completely. But I wasn’t one to stay down for long and in a way it was a method for facing my fears. I thought to myself if I can do that, then I can do anything. Nothing will be scary for me anymore.

I was nineteen when I decided to go for it. It was a spur of the moment decision. I looked up Stringfellows on the internet, curiously browsing through the pages and pictures of beautiful women. I wondered would I even compare. When I rang to enquire about auditions the lady told me in a London accent, as nonchalantly as if she were giving me directions to the newsagents, the time to arrive and to bring heels and a dress I could take off easily! I picked out a red dress and some nice underwear, threw them in my bag, put on my war paint, and boarded the train to London, nervously wondering if anyone sitting in the carriage could tell what I was about to do. I didn’t tell anyone about it, for fear of their reaction. It was just something I wanted to try. An experience I told myself.

When I arrived and buzzed on the back door of the famous Covent Garden site, nothing could have prepared me for the world that I entered. As I walked through the concrete back entrance and the door opened in to the club I saw such unabashed luxury. Whoever had chosen the interior obviously believed in the more is more concept. Gigantic chandeliers, red velvet, leopard print upholstery and gold furniture as far as the eye could see and as I descended the stairs I became even more overwhelmed as I saw a large group of beautiful women, preening themselves by the large mirrored stage. They looked at me with scepticism and superiority. Long hair, shoes as high as skyscrapers, and breasts the size of melons, I had never seen such a collection of girls together before in my life. With raised eyebrows they turned their attention back towards their hand mirrors and I wondered what the hell I was doing there.

Getting dressed in the toilets with the other auditionees, I felt I must be the least confident girl there. All were pretty, one in particular I remember kept going on about how she wanted to work at Stringfellows in Paris. She was pretty, quite curvy with a black dress. Another looked like she had just stepped of the programme Eurotrash, with dark hair, gigantic boobs and extremely tacky long dress. The other girl was blonde, also had enormous assets and was very good looking.

We came out of the dressing room to be greeted by a short bald man rushing towards us as if he could not wait to get it over with. No introductions were made he simply banged his hands together and said, “right two at a time on the stage and strip down to your thongs.”

Wow. Now I really was scared. The two big booby girls were up first and I watched as they peeled of their clothes as casually as if they were on a beach in St Tropez. Then it was mine and the Paris girls go. My favourite song “finally” came on and I danced around to it like I was in a club, taking of my red dress awkwardly while the hard faces of the girls watched in the background.

“You and you over there,” he said pointing to me and the good looking blonde. “You we can’t use,” he gestured towards the euro trash girl, and you he said directing his attention to the Paris girl. “If you want to go to the Paris then you are going to have to lose a lot of weight especially off that arse. If I were you I would live in the gym for the next few months.”

I saw the girl’s face crumble in shock and disbelief. The man was like the Simon Cowell of the stripping world!

My adrenalin had taken over and we were directed to the other end of the club and given a rule book as thick as the bible to read and sign. “Is this your first time?” the bald man asked me and smiled.

“Urm yes,” I replied.

“Well you need to dance a lot slower,” he said. “But you have a very pretty body so we will give you a chance. Just watch how the other girls move.”

So that’s how it all began. I left the club on a high at what I had just done. I had been accepted as one of those beautiful girls who I had seen. It gave me a confidence boost and I felt exhilarated, the excitement pumping around my body as I sat on the train home, anticipating what events and adventures lay before me in the exotic world I had just seen of red velvet, poles, and mirrors.